User:Ceyockey/Crum Chapel Cemetery


This is a listing of people interred in Crum's Chapel Cemetery. This cemetery holds several of my closest relatives.

Find A Grave ID WeRelate person page Cemetery rowMarkerCurrent generationLast generation
60985500Person:Charles Ashburn (1) Row 1sharing the same headstoneNot present
60985501 Person:Olive Ashburn (1)died as children Family:George Ashburn and Evaline Daniels (1)
60985502Person:Eva Ashburn (1)
60985499Person:Mary Sealock (1) Indicates wife of Levi AshburnFamily:Levi Ashburn and Sarah Sealock (1)Not present
23264125Person:Benjamin Buzzard (1)sharing the same headstoneFamily:Benjamin Buzzard and Bonnie Orr (1)Family:George Buzzard and Mary Radcliffe (1)
60985506Person:Bonnie Orr (1)Family:Eddie Orr and Sarah Fair (1)
60985504Person:Gary Buzzard (1)Headstone shows a place for his wife, but she is buried in IndianaFamily:Gary Buzzard and Cynthia Little (1)Family:Benjamin Buzzard and Bonnie Orr (1)
60985505Person:Forrest Buzzard (1)Headstone shared with living wifeFamily:Forrest Buzzard and Unknown (1) Family:William Buzzard and Nellie Watson (1)
60985507Person:Ayers Buzzard (1)Row 2 sharing the same headstone Family:Ayers Buzzard and Mary Durbin (1)Family:George Buzzard and Mary Barcus (1)
60985508Person:Mary Durbin (10)Family:John Durbin and Mary Weinbrenner (1)
60985503Person:George Buzzard (1) died in college before marrying Family:Ayers Buzzard and Mary Durbin (1)
60985538 Person:Effie Ashburn (2)Row 3 Family:George Logue and Effie Ashburn (1)Family:George Ashburn and Evaline Daniels (1)
126366196Person:Anna Hardiek (1)not specifiedsharing the same headstoneFamily:Dwight Buzzard and Anna Hardiek (1)Family:Leo Hardiek and Cecilia Wente (1)
23931234Person:Dwight Buzzard (1)Family:William Buzzard and Nellie Watson (1)
89006630Person:Lawson Bartimus (1)no headstone imageno family association
133440676Person:E Buzzard (1)Family:E Buzzard and Sandy Lotz (1)Family:Lyle Buzzard and Gloria Quandt (1)
114936647Person:Sandy Lotz (1)
74236217Person:Mary Barcus (1) Family:George Barcus and Rebecca Unknown (1)