Transcript talk:Savage, James. Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England/v2p79


Defect 1

Contemporary scholarship universally shows Richard as son of Thomas - not "sec. s. of John". Commentary by Jrich, associated with the entry for Richard and the cite of his entry in Anderson:

"[Anderson appears to have gotten confused about the father. Certainly, the identification of the father as John differs from Chester (whom the text indicates is the source he is relying on). Chester, on p. 35:267, says Richard is "second son of Thomas Pyldrym alias Dummer". But it may simply be a misstatement, since the text on p. 592 seems to argue against this very position, saying "'Thomas Plldrim alias Dommer' had four sons: John, Richard, Stephen and Thomas. Richard was the immigrant of 1632...", then identifies the Thomas who came with Richard in 1638 as "Thomas was nephew of Richard (son of Richard's brother John)". So Thomas was a son of John and grandson of Thomas Pildrim alias Dommer, while Richard was the son of Thomas Pildrim alias Dommer.]"