Transcript:Savage, James. Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England/v3p389


Volume 3, Page 389

Elizabeth Joseph, Richard, Susanna, and Benjamin, H. C. 1723, d. young;
and descend, are still found at P.

    PENINGTON, EPHRAIM, New Haven, sw. alleg. 1644, had Ephraim,
b. 1645; and Mary, 1646, both bapt. 22 Oct. 1648; and he d. 1660, leave.
wid. and these two ch. Mary m. 12 Apr. 1666, Jonathan Tompkins.
EPHRAIM, New Haven, s. of the preced. m. at Milford, 25 Oct. 1667,
Mary, d. of John Brockett, and rem. to Newark, N. J.

    PENLEY, SAMSON, Falmouth 1658, was liv. after the first destruct. of
the town 1676, left wid. Rachel, and three ds. Jane, Dorcas, and Mary.

    PENN, 8 JAMES, Boston, came in the fleet with Winthrop req. 19 Oct.
1630, to be made freem. tho. it does not appear that he took the o. was
rep. 1648 and 9, beadle first, and marshall aft. rul. elder, as his ch. distinct.
d. 30 Sept. 1671, but John Hull says 7 Oct. Hutch. I. 269. In
his will of 29 Sept. pro. 23 Oct. his w. Catharine, wh. had very early
been mem. of the ch. but no ch. is name. yet perhaps that Mary hose
name is the 152d in our list of the first ch. mem. may have been a d. tho.
more prob. a sis. with sis. Hannah, Mary, and other relat. WILLIAM,
Charlestown 1630, came, no doubt, in the fleet with Winth, sett. at
Braintree, late in his days rem. to Boston; yet in the will of 18 Dec.
1688, pro. 14 Feb. foll. directs his bur. to be a Braintree, giv. lega. to ch.
and sch. there, to sev. Thompsons, Stephen Paine and their childr. but
chiefly to cousin Hannah Hill, and Edward Hill, jr. and Hannah Hill
and Edward Hill senr. and Sarah Hill, having, he says, sent for his kinswoman,
Deborah, w. of said Edward, senr. out of Eng. promising to make
her his heir, so we may be sure his w. and ch. if any he ever had, were
d. Who was the Christian Penn, a passeng. in the Ann, to Plymouth,
1623, who soon after m. Francis Eaton, is perhaps, beyond the reach of
all but conject.

    PENNELL, WALTER, Saco, frem. 1653, m. 1647, Mary, d. of Robert
Booth, and Walter and perhaps others; in the Ind. war, 1675, rem. to
Salem. WALTER, York, s. of the preced. was in 70th yr. 1719. Folsom,

    PENNIMAN, JAMES, Boston, came prob. in the Lion, 1631, with John
Winth, jr. for he, was 2. Lydia, wh. surv. him, were adm. of the ch.
bef. the s. but after the w. of the Gov. frem. 6 Mar. 1632, the same day
with John and Jacob Eliot, whom I reackon as fellow paseng. had James,
bapt. 26 Mar. 1633; Lydia, 22 Feb. 1635; John, 15 Jan. 1637; rem. to
Braintree, there had Joseph, b. 1 Aug. bapt. 29 Sept. 1639; and Sarah, b. 6
May 1641; Samuel, 14 Nov. 1645; Hannah, 26 Mar. (May in Vinton, 351)
1648; Abigail, 27 Dec. 1651; and Mary, 290 Sept. 1653; all by w. Lydia;
and he d. 26 Dec. 1664. Abigail, m. 18 Apr. 1678, Samuel Neal; and
Ma m. 4 Apr. 1678, Samuel Paine of the same. JAMES, Boston, eldest
s. of the preced. feltmaker, m. 10 May 1659, Mary Cross, d. of the