Transcript:First Party of Palatinates in London, 1709




Intermediate Source:Knittle, 1937, on Internet Archives
Orignal Suorce:This list is the first of four lists of Palatines compiled up to June 16, 1709 by Reverend John Tribbeko and Reverend George Andrew Rupterti. The four lists include only the first 6,000 of the Germans to arrive in that year. The lists which contain information on the age and occupation of the head of the family, numbers and age of the members of the family and religion, may be found in the Public Record Office, C. O. 388/76, 56 ii, 64, and 68-70. They have been published without change in the New York Genealogical and Biographical Records (New York, 1909 and 1910), XL, 49-54, 93-100, 160-167, 241-248; XLI, 10-19. They are also published in L. D. MacWethy, The Book of Names especially Relating to the Early Palatines and the First Settlers in the Mohawk Valley (St. Johnsville, New York, 1933) in an alphabetical order and an abridged form. In the latter version there are errors, which are excusable because of the nature of the material but the bad alphabetizing of the names is not to be regarded so lightly.


Knittel, 1937. Internet Archives
Knittle, 1937. Early Eighteenth Century Palatine Emigration Available Feb 2012 on ThreeRivers
Transcript:First Party of Palatinates in London, 1709



FamilyProbable Article
Adeler, Henryw. 1 son
Albenz, Christoph
Albrecht, Jamesw.
Andrew, Benedictw. 1 son
Anke, Joseph
Bahr, Johnw. 3 sons
Bauer, Christianw. 2 sons, 3 daus
Bauer, Christina
Bauer, George
Baumann, Michaelw. 1 dau
Becker, Gerhardw.1 son, 1 dau
Bekell, Philipw. 1 son, 5 daus
Beller, Jacobw. 1 son
Berg, Frederickw. 1son, 1 dau
Bergleuchter, Anton
Berstler, Adamw 2 sons, 1 dau
Bettinger, Anna Christina
Bien, John
Blesinger, Danue. w. 2 daus
Bohm, Johannes
Bolker, Charlesw.
Bollon, Christoffw. 1 son, 2 daus
Boos, John Henry w.
Bretschi, Lorentz
Bruchly, John Henry . 2 sons
Buehler, John w. 3 daus
Buff, George w. 1 dau
Cathrinaservant mai
Clemens, Gerhard w 2 sons
Closterbeker, Johnw. 1 son, 2 daus
Daninger, Jacob 2 sons, 2 daus
Daun, George w. 1 dau
Degen, Felix
Denias, Philip
deRocheford, Peterw. 2 sons, 2 daus.
Dieterich, Johnw. 1 son
Dision, Davidw. 1 son
Drechsler, John Peterw. 1 dau
DuBois, Abraham w. 3 sons, 1 dau
Durbecker, John Adamw. 2 daus
Durk, John Adamw. 1 son, 2 daus
Ebert, Hartmanw.
Emichen, Ernstw. 4 sons
Ende, John Philip amw. 1 son, 1 dau
Ends, Mattheww. 1 son
Engelsbruecher, Nicolw. 1 dau.
Erkel. Bernardw.
Eschelmanns, Anna1 son
Escherich, John
Eyech, John Valentine
Faubell, Johnw. 1dau
Fodder, Johnw. 2 sons, 1 dau
Frey, Conradw. 2 sons, 2 daus
Friede, Cathrina
Fuhrman, Jacob 2 daus.
Galathe, Jacob
Galathe, John Jacob, w. 1 son, 1 dau
Garrinot, PeterW.
Geisell, George w. 2 sons
Gerhard, John GeorgeW. 2 sons, 4 daus
Gessienger, Henryw. 1 dau
Glaents, John w. 1 son
Gnaedi, Benedictw. 1 son, 1 dau
Goebell, Paulw. 1 son, 1 dau
Gothzeit, Williamw. 1 son, 1 dau
Graeff, Jacobhis parents live in Pennsylvania
Gring, Jacobw. 1 dau
Gruendner, Matthew
Guth, Henry
Haas, Johnw. 2 sons, 2 daus
Hagder, John
Hagenback, Frederickw. 2 sons
Hahrlaender, Conradw. 2 sons
Hakl. John George w. 1 sons, 3 daus.
Hartman, John Georgew. 1 son
Hassmer, John
Haun, Andreww. 5 sons, 2 daus
Hebenstreit, John Jas. w.
Heffen, Bartin
Heidman, Peterw. 3 dau
Helffert, Peterw.
Henrich, Lorentzw. 1 son, 1 dau
Herman, Danielw. 1 son, 1 dau
Herman, Jacob
Herman, Niclas
Herman, Peterw 2 sons, 1 dau
Herman, Valentinew. 1 son
Hermann, Niclas
Hesse, Johnw. 2 daus
Heyde, Peterw. 1 son
Hirtzbach, Antonw. 3 sons, 1 dau.
Hirzeach, Martinw. 2 sons, 2 daus
Hobler, Abraham w. 1 sons, 1 dau
Hocky, Andrew
Hocky, Peter
Hoffart, John Adamw.
Hoffsaetter, Philip
Hohenstein, Christianw. 2 sons, 1dau
Hoherluth, George Adan w. 2 sons, 2 daus
Hornigh, John Georgew. 2 sons, 2 daus
Hubscher, Andreww. 1 son, 4 daus
Hubmacher, Niclasw. 1 son, 2 daus
Huebner, Antonw. 2 sons, 1 dau
Jacobi, John Thomasw. 2 sons, 1 dau
Jalathe, John Williamw. 2 sons, 1 dau
Kaff, Bazarw. 3 sons
Kaldauer, Valentinew. 2 sons, 3 daus
Keyser, George Frederick w. 1 sons, 2 daus
Kinfeller, Frederickw. 1 son, 1 dau
Kirchofen, Francis Ludwig
Klaemer, Ludwigw. 1 son, 2 daus
Klein, John Jacob w. 1 son
Klein, John w. 2 sons
Klein, Michael, sisterinlaw of
Klein, Michaelw. 2 daus
Klein, Peterw. 1 son, 1 dau
Klug, Georgew. 1 son
Klug, George, his sister and son, a boy of 15 years
Koenig, John Adam
Kolb, Arnold
Kolb, Henryw. 3 daus
Kueffer, John w, 2 daus
Kuhlwein, Philip
Kuhner, Jacobw. 3 sons, 1 dau.
laForge, John Wm. w.
Lang, Johan4 in family
Lang, Philipw 1 son 1 dau
Lauber, Jacobw. 3 daus
Le Dee, John2 daus
LeFevre, Abramw. 1 son, 1 dauPerson:Abram Lefeaver (1)
Leibengut, John Wendell1 son
Leucht, Lewisw. 1 son
Lichtnegger, Gottlob August
Lucas, Frncisw. 2 sons, 5 daus
Lup, Henryw. 3 sons, 1 dau
Machtig, Jacobw. 2 sons, 2 daus
Martins, Gertrud1 son
Mason, Niclas
Mendon, Jacob
Meningen, Johnw. 2 sons
Messer, Sylvesterw. 2 sons, 2 daus
Mey, DavidW.
Meyer, Hartmanw. 1 son, 2 daus
Meyer, Henryw. 2 daus
Meyer, Henrysister of
Moor, Austin
Moor, John
Moor, John William
Mueller, John Jacobw 6 sons, 1 dau
Mueller, Valentine
Muller, Daniel
Nagel, Johnw. 1 dau
Neidhofer, John Quirinusw. 1 son, 1 dau
Notzel, Rudolfw. 3 daus
Obender, Samuelw. 1 dau
Oberholtzer, Markw. 3 sons, 2 daus
Pelle, Peter
Penning, Daniel
Pens, Benedict4 in family
Pfeiffer, John Jacobw. 1 sons, 1 dau
Presler, Valentinew 3 sons, 2 daus
Rath (Bath), Johnw. 1 son, 1 dau
Raths, Jane
Rausch, George
Rebell, Jacob
Reiser, John Peterw. 5 sons
Reuling, Jacobw. 1 dfau
Rheine, John amw.
Rider, Niclasw.
Riedel, Georgemotherinlaw
Riedell, John Georgew. 1 son, 1 dau
Rohrbach, Christianw. 1 dau
Rose, Anna1 son, 2 daus
Rose, Catherine1 dau
Rudolff, John
Schaeffer, Johnw. 1 son
Schaeffer, John w. 4 sons, 2 daus
Schaeffer, John Conrad
Schaeffer, Josephw. 2 sons, 4 daus
Schletzer, Jeremyw. 2 sons, 3 daus
Schlingluff, John w. 3 sons
Scholttenhofer, Christofw. 2 sons
Schmitzer, John Martinw. 1 son
Schneider, Philipw. 2 sons, 1 dau
Schneider, John Michaelw. 1 son, 1 dau
Schoen, Maria Cathrina3 sons, 1 dau
Schrager, Andreww. 2 daus
Schuetz, John w. 4 daus
Schwaegerin, Apollonia
Schwengel, Johnw. 1 son, 3 daus
Seibert, Conradw. 1 son, 1 dau
Seibert, Martinw. 1 son, 1 dau
Sheuer, John Adamw. 2 sons, 1 dau
Shonweiss, Johnw. 1 son, 2 daus
Shwab, Peterw. 1 son, 1 dau
Shwartz, Matthiasw. 2 sons, 1 dau.
Shwartze, Johnw. 1 son, 1 dau
Smith, Henryw. 4 sons, 1 dau
Smith, Jacobw. 2 sons, 1 dau
Smith, Johnw. 4 sons, 6 daus
Spuehler, Jacob w. 1 son
Staehler, Peter
Stutz, Eberhard5 in family
Stutz, John Eberhardw. 2 sons, 1 dau
Turch, Caspar
Tanner, Cathrina1 dau
Thevoux, Danielw. 1 son, 1 dau
Thomas, John Georgew. 2 sons, 1 dau
Thor, Conrad am w. 1 dau
Trombauer, Niclasw. 1 son, 2 daus
Truat, John w. 2 sons
Trumph, John Michael1 son
Vogt, Abrahamw. 1 son, 3 daus
Vogt, Johnw. 1 son
Volweider, Jacobw.
Wagner, John w. 2 sons, 3 daus
Wagner, Mary Elizabeth
Walter, John Georgew. 3 sons, 2 daus
Warambour, Mary4 sons, 1 dau
Wayner, Henryw. 2 sons, 1 dau
Weber, John Engelw. 5 daus
Weber, John Jacob w.
Weinrich, Balzarw. 3 sons, 1 dau
Weitzell, Johnw, 2 sons
Wenig, Peterw. 1 dau
Wentzen, Peter
Werner, Christoffw, 1 dau
Willich, Peterw. 2 daus
Winter, Maria Cathrina1 dau
Zeber, Johnw. 2 sons, 2 daus
Zeisler, Lorentzw. 2 sons, 1 dau
Zeitz, John Peter
Ziegler, Michael
Zimmerman, John Wolffw. 2 sons, 4 daus
Zinkhan, Conradw. 1 son, 2 daus
Zitel, Jacobw.