Transcript:Current, Annie E. Genealogy of the Current and Hobson Families/p007


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their cheerful voices kept time with busy hands. Peter and George were Methodists and on Sun- days there were class meetings and preaching services at the home of Peter. Others of the fam- ily were Baptists, and after William moved to Jay county the Primitive Baptists held services at his home.

The children of James and Margaret (Johnson) Current were:

Peter; (See sketch further on.)

Nellie, born November 12, 1799; married John Jones September 23, 1823, died October 12, 1867. Her husband died October 20, 1838. They had six children.

John, born October 25,1802; married Mary Norris February 19, 1829, died July 24, 1881. His wife was born December 24, 1803 and died January 9, 1875 They had nine children.

Susannah, born November 11, 1804; died Novem- ber 20. 1806.

Mary, born April 14, 1807; married William Lake Nov. 10, 1831 ; died Nov. 16, 1882. Her hus- band was born August 9, 1811; died June 14 1846. They had five children.

James, born October 26, 1809; married Mary Pow- [Mary Powers]