Source:Waymire, John Wildy. Coble Family Genealogy Nicholas Coble's First Child Anthony Coble (Second Generation in America) Children (8) (Third Generation) and Descendants

Source Coble Family Genealogy Nicholas Coble's First Child Anthony Coble (Second Generation in America) Children (8) (Third Generation) and Descendants
Author Waymire, John Wildy
Place Montgomery, Ohio, United States
Surname Cobel, Coble, Hoover, Koble, Waymire
Publication information
Type Book
Date issued [1946]
Place issued [San Diego, California]
Periodical / Series name Coble Family History; Genealogy and Biography.
Waymire, John Wildy. Coble Family Genealogy Nicholas Coble's First Child Anthony Coble (Second Generation in America) Children (8) (Third Generation) and Descendants. ([San Diego, California], [1946]).
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