Source:Thorne, Philip Voyle. Thorne Website

Source Thorne Website
Author Thorne, Philip Voyle
Place Long Island, New York, United States
Surname Thorne
Subject Family tree
Publication information
Type Miscellaneous
Publisher Thorne, Philip Voyle
Place issued http//
Thorne, Philip Voyle. Thorne Website. (http// Thorne, Philip Voyle).

Footnote: Thorpe Web Site [URL: http// ] portions copyrighted by John Coutant Thorn other written by Philip Voyle Thorne. This highly recommended site with discussion facility was provided to aeh by Rod Lewis in e-mail dated March 1997. {Ref. GED-080} The genealogical material contained in this record regarding William Thorne of England, Lynn, Mass and Long Island New York covering the first 6 generations down to John 6 Thorne and Mary Birdsall of Newburgh, New York is derived from the archives of the New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. The individual responsible for much of the work must be recognized. He was Thorn Dickinson. He was a Thorne descendant, who never married, was an engineer by profession and a grand lover of his Thorne birthright. The man who oversaw this publication on the family of William Thorne is named Harry May, an imminent Long Island genealogist. Philip Thorne spoke personally with him in June of 1992. He said it was the most singularly extensive family project they have undertaken to date. It was of particular difficulty as William's descendent seem to have largely ignored their family history.