Source:Sherburne, Trudy Reno. As I Remember It

Source As I remember it
being a detailed description of the North family of the Watervliet Shaker community and including the district school as well as the big barn at the Church family
Author Sherburne, Trudy Reno
Wright, Helen
Van Raalte, Arkie
Place New York, United States
Watervliet, Albany, New York, United States
Subject History
Publication information
Type Miscellaneous
Publisher World of Shaker
Date issued c1987
Sherburne, Trudy Reno; Helen Wright; and Arkie Van Raalte. As I remember it: being a detailed description of the North family of the Watervliet Shaker community and including the district school as well as the big barn at the Church family. (World of Shaker, c1987).
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