Source:Schaff, Potter and Jackson, 1893

Source Schaff, Potter and Jackson, 1893

Schaff, Potter and Jackson, 1893.


Bibliographic Citation

Schaff, Philip, Henry Codman Potter, and Samuel Macauley Jackson. 1893. The American church history series, consisting of a series of denominational histories published under the auspices of the American Society of Church History. New York: Christian Literature Co.


The above is the way that Google Books lists the author(s) of this work. WorldCat. Gives the above exactly. However, it appears from the title page, that Scharf Potter and Jackson are three of a number of editors for this work, and that the actual author is A.H. Newman, and that its specific title is A history of the Baptists Churchs in the United States. This is apparently the second volume in a series by Scharff et alia.

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