Source:Ruppert, Gary. Baltimore City Nineteenth-Century Photos

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Source Baltimore City Nineteenth-Century Photos
Author Ruppert, Gary
Place Baltimore, Baltimore, Maryland, United States
Surname Ruppert
Subject Photograph collection
Publication information
Type Website
Ruppert, Gary. Baltimore City Nineteenth-Century Photos.
Rootsweb website

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This page began as a place to share photographs that I have collected. The images on these pages are special because they were made In Baltimore City, Maryland and are identified subjects from Baltimore. Furthermore, the pictures all date from the nineteenth-century

Expanding on this theme, I have invited other collectors and researchers to share their photos of identified subjects or of any photos with a Baltimore studio logo. Surnames beginning with G Surnames beginning with H Surnames beginning with I

Many folks have responded. If you are eager to get started, click on the first letter of the Surname at the left or use the Search function. Click on the name and you will find a picture or two which you may download

(Note: Look down at the bottom of the page...)

My name is Gary B. Ruppert. I have been addicted to family history and genealogy since 1972. Photography was a passion of earlier onset. You may check out my Ruppert Family History and Genealogy site or Contact me.