Source:Palmer, 1875

Source Palmer, 1875
Publication information
Type Book
Palmer, 1875.

Bibliographic Citation

Palmer, William Pitt, Sherwin McRae, Raleigh Edward Colston, and Henry W. Flournoy (eds.). 1875. Calendar of Virginia State papers and other manuscripts 1652-1871, preserved in the Capitol at Richmond. Vol 1. Richmond: R.F. Walker.

There are eleven volume in the series. The date's covered, and editors listed, vary depending on the specific volume in this series. (See publication history)

publication History

Volume 1. 1875. 1652-1781. Google Books

Vol. 2

Vol 3.

Vol 4. 1884. Nauary 1 1785-2 july 1789. Google books

Vol. 5. 1885. July 2 1789- August 11 1792 Google Books

Vol. 7. 1888. January 1 1794-May 16 1795. Google Books

Electronic Source

Google Books