Source:Mendocino, California, United States. Reverend John Simpson Ross's Register of Deaths

Source The Reverend John Simpson Ross's register of deaths
being a record of people who lived and died on the north coast of Mendocino County in the state of California, and for whom he conducted funeral services between the years 1873 and 1914
Author Ross, John Simpson
Place Mendocino, California, United States
Subject Church records
Publication information
Type Miscellaneous
Publisher Mendocino Coast Genealogical Society
Date issued 1979
Place issued Fort Bragg, California
Ross, John Simpson. The Reverend John Simpson Ross's register of deaths: being a record of people who lived and died on the north coast of Mendocino County in the state of California, and for whom he conducted funeral services between the years 1873 and 1914. (Fort Bragg, California: Mendocino Coast Genealogical Society, 1979).
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