Source:McCarley, Walter R. Abel - Keller Genealogy

Source The Abel - Keller genealogy
eleven generations, earliest born in Switzerland : central figure in America was George Abel (1754), home was in Loudoun Co., Va., bought land in Harrison Co., Ohio for children but died at home place 6 mi. from Harper's Ferry; Hessian soldier deserted to the American side
Author McCarley, Walter R. (Walter Russell)
McCarley, Margaret Poe (Margaret Florence Poe)
Year range 1754 - 1754
Surname Abel, Bowersock, Keller, Lee, Plumber, Poe, Reeder
Subject Family tree
Publication information
Type Miscellaneous
Date issued 1982
McCarley, Walter R. (Walter Russell), and Margaret Poe (Margaret Florence Poe) McCarley. The Abel - Keller genealogy: eleven generations, earliest born in Switzerland : central figure in America was George Abel (1754), home was in Loudoun Co., Va., bought land in Harrison Co., Ohio for children but died at home place 6 mi. from Harper's Ferry; Hessian soldier deserted to the American side. (1982).
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  • 1321029 Item 19