Source:Jones, A. E. Address of Col. A.E. Jones at Turpin's Grove, Anderson Township, on Reminiscences of the Early Days of the Little Miami Valley

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Source Address of Col. A.E. Jones at Turpin's Grove, Anderson Township, on reminiscences of the early days of the Little Miami Valley
July 4, 1878
Author Jones, A. E
Place Hamilton, Ohio, United States
Ohio, United States
Little Miami River Valley, Ohio, United States
Subject History
Publication information
Publisher Times Book and Job Print. Establishment
Date issued 1878
Place issued Cincinnati, Ohio
Jones, A. E. Address of Col. A.E. Jones at Turpin's Grove, Anderson Township, on reminiscences of the early days of the Little Miami Valley: July 4, 1878. (Cincinnati, Ohio: Times Book and Job Print. Establishment, 1878).
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