Cemetery Records Online

Source Cemetery Records Online
Subject Cemetery records
Publication information
Type Miscellaneous
Publisher Clear Digital Media, Inc.
Citation Cemetery Records Online. (Clear Digital Media, Inc.).
Interment.net website

This website contains published transcriptions from 5,000+ cemeteries across the world. Besides cemeteries sorted by place, the site contains special collections of National Cemeteries (Federal & State Veterans Cemeteries), Flooded Cemeteries (Cemeteries flooded by dams), Woodman of the World (Photos & records of WOW markers), and California Missions (Cemeteries of the California Missions).

Created and published by Clear Digital Media, Inc., Steve Johnson, Publisher and Maggie Rail, Editor (as of Sep. 2009).

Usage Tips

When using this source, please specify the location and the specific cemetery where a burial is located.