Source:Ickes, Fred D. John Ickes Genealogy

Source John Ickes Genealogy
and allied descendants of John Ickes, a Revolutionary soldier, came to Bedford County with part of his family in 1792
Author Ickes, Fred D
Subject Family tree
Publication information
Type Book
Publisher The Anundsen Publishing Co.
Date issued 1998-1999
Place issued Decorah, Iowa
Number of Volumes 2
Ickes, Fred D. John Ickes Genealogy: and allied descendants of John Ickes, a Revolutionary soldier, came to Bedford County with part of his family in 1792. (Decorah, Iowa: The Anundsen Publishing Co., 1998-1999).
FamilySearch website


FamilySearch has digitized images of both volumes, at the URL indicated above.


Volume 1 presents the descendants of John's first wife, Magdalena Stambaugh, to the tenth generation (20th century).

Volume 2 presents the descendants of John's second wife, Elizabeth Stambaugh, to the ninth generation (20th century).

Both volumes include the will of John Ickes (1742-1829). Volume 2 also includes the will of his son Adam Ickes (1783-1870).