Source:Hurd, Dena D. Soekland. History and Genealogy of the Family of Hurd in the United States

Source A history and genealogy of the family of Hurd in the United States
and a partial history of the New England families of Heard and Hord, including a treatise of nomenclature, heraldry and coat armour and ancestry
Author Hurd, Dena D. Soekland
Surname Hurd
Subject Family tree
Publication information
Type Miscellaneous
Publisher D.D. Hurd
Date issued 1910
Place issued New York, New York
Hurd, Dena D. Soekland. A history and genealogy of the family of Hurd in the United States: and a partial history of the New England families of Heard and Hord, including a treatise of nomenclature, heraldry and coat armour and ancestry. (New York, New York: D.D. Hurd, 1910).
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