Source:Frieda (Hetrick) Ried. Hetrick Family History of Sandusky County, Ohio

Source Hetrick Family History of Sandusky County, Ohio, 2nd edition
Ancestors and Descendants of Mary (Hetrick) and Paul Fought George and Catherine (Hendricks) Hetrick Peter and Judith (Hensel) Hetrick Philip and Anna Mary (Kreilick) Hetrick
Author Frieda (Hetrick) Ried
Place PA, OHIO
Year range 1616 - 1948
Surname Hetrick, Brosius, Hendricks, Fought, Hensel, Kreilick
Subject Family tree
Publication information
Type Book
Publisher Frieda Hetrick Ried and Milton A. Hetrick, Jr.
Date issued May 2004
Place issued Engler Printing Fremont, Ohio
Frieda (Hetrick) Ried. Hetrick Family History of Sandusky County, Ohio, 2nd edition: Ancestors and Descendants of Mary (Hetrick) and Paul Fought George and Catherine (Hendricks) Hetrick Peter and Judith (Hensel) Hetrick Philip and Anna Mary (Kreilick) Hetrick. (Engler Printing Fremont, Ohio: Frieda Hetrick Ried and Milton A. Hetrick, Jr., May 2004).
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