Source:Foreman, Charles E. Foreman-Irwin Genealogy

Source Foreman-Irwin genealogy
a series of family brochures compiled and distributed annually to 600 related families, 1948-72 ; over 2500 names with index ; principal families include: Crandall, Foreman, Irwin, Miller, Myers, Robinson, Rutledge, Schnatterly, Sipe, Snoderly-Snodderly
Author Foreman, Charles E
Year range 2500 - 2500
Surname Crandall, Foreman, Irwin, Miller, Myers, Robinson, Rutledge, Schnatterly, Sipe, Snoderly
Subject Family tree
Publication information
Type Miscellaneous
Foreman, Charles E. Foreman-Irwin genealogy: a series of family brochures compiled and distributed annually to 600 related families, 1948-72 ; over 2500 names with index ; principal families include: Crandall, Foreman, Irwin, Miller, Myers, Robinson, Rutledge, Schnatterly, Sipe, Snoderly-Snodderly.
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  • 908804 Item 1