Source:Birkenhördt - Das Projekt

Source Birkenhördt - Das Projekt
Place Südwestpfalz, Rheinhessen-Pfalz, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Südliche Weinstraße, Rheinhessen-Pfalz, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Bas-Rhin, France
Year range 1111 -
Surname Becker, Bender, Birkenhördt, Braun, Burkhard, Burkhart, Dauenhauer, Fyock, Hammer, Hoff, Keller, Klein, Kuntz, Lang, Meyer, Miller, Müller, Schehl, Schmitt, Schneider, Schumacher, Seibel, Smith, Stoffel, Stöbener, Wagner, Walter, Weber, Wegmann, Zwick
Subject Finding aid
Publication information
Type Website
Birkenhördt - Das Projekt.
Repositories website website

Usage Tips


As of January 2015, the resource contains >26,000 unique surnames and >290,000 individuals. The titular surname of Birkenhördt actually has only one individual associated with it in the database. In addition to this rare surname, the top 30 by prevalence have been added to the 'surnames covered' field here (in order of frequency), except for 'unknown' which is >1.5 times more frequent than the next most common surname, Burkhart.

Year range

The earliest birth included in the resource is c. 1111 and living people can be added to the content.