Source:Bay City Directory for 1899-1900

Source Bay City directory for 1899-1900
embracing a complete alphabetical list of business firms and private citizens in Bay City and Essexville, a classified list of all trades, professions and pursuits, a directory of the city and county officers, churches, public and private schools, benevolent, literary and other associations, banks, incorporated institutions, a street directory, etc., etc., etc
Place Essexville, Bay, Michigan, United States
Bay City, Bay, Michigan, United States
Subject Directory records
Publication information
Publisher R.L. Polk & Co.
Date issued 1989
Place issued Detroit, Mich.
Bay City directory for 1899-1900: embracing a complete alphabetical list of business firms and private citizens in Bay City and Essexville, a classified list of all trades, professions and pursuits, a directory of the city and county officers, churches, public and private schools, benevolent, literary and other associations, banks, incorporated institutions, a street directory, etc., etc., etc. (Detroit, Mich.: R.L. Polk & Co., 1989).
Ancestry.com website
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