Repository:Haags Gemeentearchief


General Info

  • Den Haag Municipal Archives
  • Bevat diverse grote, online te raadplegen bestanden met o.a. foto's, prenten en tekeningen.

Usage Tips

  • Note: the city of Den Haag has its own archive; the archives are therefore not held by the Rijksarchiefdienst of Zuid-Holland, which is a department of the National Archive. Den Haag was one of the first archives to digitize the Registrar, when there was still hardly any experience with projects such as these. The search system seems somewhat complicated at first impression, as one works via the original index (tienjaren-klapper). Virtual visitors are kindly requested to help adding to and improving the final new index by describing the specific certificate, if such has not been done allready. [1]
  • A valuable additional entrance can be found on the private site of mister Frank van de Velde (under 'bronnen, Den Haag), who is working on a separate index on brides, which he presents in excel spreadsheets (converted PDF):