Place:Yabe, Yame, Fukuoka, Japan


Coordinates33.15°N 130.817°E
Located inYame, Fukuoka, Japan
source: Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names

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was a village located in Yame District, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan.

Yabe is located at 330m above sea level. The average temperature is 14 °C and the average annual precipitation is 2,706mm.

As of 2006, the village had an estimated population of 1,730 and a density of 21.50 persons per km2. The total area was 80.46 km2.

On 1 February 2010, Yabe, along with the towns of Kurogi and Tachibana, and the village of Hoshino (all from Yame District), was merged into the expanded city of Yame.

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