Place:Wright, Missouri, United States

source: Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names
source: Family History Library Catalog

the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

Wright County is a county located in the southern portion of the U.S. state of Missouri. As of the 2010 census, the population was 18,815. Its county seat is Hartville. The county was officially organized on January 29, 1841, and is named after Silas Wright (D-New York), a former Congressman, U.S. Senator and Governor of New York.



Date Event Source
1841 County formed Source:Red Book: American State, County, and Town Sources
1850 First census Source:Population of States and Counties of the United States: 1790-1990
1853 Land records recorded Source:Red Book: American State, County, and Town Sources
1853 Probate records recorded Source:Red Book: American State, County, and Town Sources
1860 No significant boundary changes after this year Source:Population of States and Counties of the United States: 1790-1990
1895 Court records recorded Source:Red Book: American State, County, and Town Sources
1897 Marriage records recorded Source:Red Book: American State, County, and Town Sources

Population History

source: Source:Population of States and Counties of the United States: 1790-1990
Census Year Population
1850 3,387
1860 4,508
1870 5,684
1880 9,712
1890 14,484
1900 17,519
1910 18,315
1920 17,733
1930 16,741
1940 17,967
1950 15,834
1960 14,183
1970 13,667
1980 16,188
1990 16,758

Research Tips

External links

There is a Goodspeed's local history for this county, written in 1889, available free and searchable at: [1]

Searchable death certificates, with images, for deaths between 1910 and 1957, are available free online at [2] Searchable birth and death records for pre-1910 births/stillbirths/deaths are available free online at [3] Both of the above databases are from the Missouri State Archives.

This page uses content from the English Wikipedia. The original content was at Wright County, Missouri. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with WeRelate, the content of Wikipedia is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.