Place:St Helens, Tasmania, Australia

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NameSt Helens
Alt namesSaint Helenssource: Getty Vocabulary Program
Coordinates41.267°S 148.25°E
Located inTasmania, Australia
source: Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names

the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

St Helens is the largest town on the north-east coast of Tasmania, Australia, on Georges Bay. It is known as the game fishing capital of Tasmania and is also renowned for its oysters (as are some other areas of Tasmania). It is located on the Tasman Highway, about 160 km east of Tasmania's second largest city, Launceston. In the early 2000s, the town was one of the fastest growing areas of Tasmania, and reached a population of 2049 at the 2006 census. By the time of the , it had a population of 2,206.

St Helens is part of the Break O'Day Council, a council that includes the nearby town of Binalong Bay. St Helens also has its own radio station named Star FM a community station on 93.7 MHz in the town, 100.3 MHz in St Marys and 98.5 MHz in Bicheno. A number of shops can be found in the town along Cecilia Street, such as a Supa IGA and Gallery Parnella.

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