Place:Reni, Odesa, Ukraine


Coordinates45.5°N 28.3°E
Located inOdesa, Ukraine
source: Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names

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Reni is a small city in Odessa Oblast (province) of south Ukraine. It is located in the Bessarabian historic district of Budjak. Reni lies on the left bank of the Danube. The settlement was founded around 1548, acquiring city status in 1821. Population:

The surrounding Reni Raion includes some 38,000 people (including those in the town), 49% of them ethnic Moldovans, 18% Ukrainians, 15% Russians, 8.5% Bulgarians and 8% Gagauz.

There are six schools, one filial branch of the Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, and three Ukrainian Orthodox church buildings. It is also home to the Light of the World Church.

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