Place:Naugatuck, New Haven, Connecticut, United States

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Alt namesSalem Bridgesource: Kimberly Family Genealogy
TypeTown, Borough
Coordinates41.48971°N 73.051713°W
Located inNew Haven, Connecticut, United States     (1844 - )
Also located inWaterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, United States     ( - 1844)

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source: Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names
source: Family History Library Catalog

the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

Naugatuck is a consolidated borough and town in New Haven County, Connecticut, United States. The town spans both sides of the Naugatuck River just south of Waterbury, and includes the communities of Union City on the east side of the river, which has its own post office, Straitsville on the southeast (along Route 63), and Millville on the west (along Rubber Avenue). As of the 2020 census, Naugatuck had a population of 31,519.

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