Place:Mount Zion United Cemetery, Petawawa, Renfrew, Ontario, Canada


NameMount Zion United Cemetery
Alt namesZion German Methodist Churchsource: Upper Ottawa Valley Genealogical Group
Zions Kirche Evangelische Gemeindschaftsource: Upper Ottawa Valley Genealogical Group
Coordinates45.49°N 77.15°W
Located inPetawawa, Renfrew, Ontario, Canada


The Canadian Gravemarker Gallery was a volunteer supported website maintained by Murray Pletsch. It featured grave marker photos and provided a limited surname search capability based upon up to 8 characters in the file name of each photo.
Mr. Pletsch has retired from his role supporting this web site. An agreement was readhed with the Canada GenWeb Cemetery Project to index and load the photos to their site. This is a massive volunteer effort and many cemeteries are not yet loaded (Jan 2019)
in some cases, the gravemarker gallery pages for a given cemetery may still exist, but the majority are no longer avaiolable.