Place:Moita, Moita, Setúbal, Portugal


Coordinates38.655009°N 8.99364°W
Located inMoita, Setúbal, Portugal

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Moita is a municipality in the district of Setúbal in Portugal. The population in 2011 was 66,029, in an area of 55.26 km2.

The municipality is part of the Greater Lisbon Area, with a demographic rate of 1.194,9/km2 in 2011, growing from 533,2/km2 in 1960. As part of Lisbon's suburban area, the population is mostly working age and senior individuals. The aging indicator (1 senior per 100 youngsters) is 106,9.

The present Mayor is Rui Garcia, elected by the Democratic Unity Coalition. The municipal holiday is the 1st Tuesday after the 2nd Sunday of September.

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