Place:Malvar, Batangas, CALABARZON, Philippines


Located inBatangas, CALABARZON, Philippines
source: Family History Library Catalog

the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

Malvar, officially the Municipality of Malvar, is a 2nd class municipality in the province of Batangas, Philippines.

The municipality was named after General Miguel Malvar, one of the last Filipino generals to surrender to the Americans during the Philippine-American War in 1902. The Municipality comprises 15 barangays and 3 sitios.

Located from Batangas City and south of Manila and accessible by the STAR Tollway, Malvar is surrounded by Tanauan City to the north, Santo Tomas City to the east, Lipa City to the south and Balete to the west. With the expansion of Metro Manila, Malvar is now part of the Manila conurbation (which reaches Lipa City).

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