Place:Măcin, Tulcea, Romania


Alt namesMăcinsource: Getty Vocabulary Program
Coordinates45.25°N 28.15°E
Located inTulcea, Romania
source: Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names

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Măcin is a town in Tulcea County, in the Northern Dobruja region of Romania.


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The town is located on an ancient Celtic settlement, named Arrubium. It was included in the Getic polities of Rhemaxos and Zyraxes, then conquered by the Roman Empire, which stationed a cavalry unit in this place between 99 and 241 AD. The ruins of the old Roman fortifications can be seen today on the top of "Cetate" Hill. Part of the Bulgarian, Byzantine and later Ottoman Empire, it was included for some time in the Wallachian and Moldavian voivodates.

It was the site of the Battle of Măcin in 1791.

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