Place:Larkano, Larkana, Sind, Pakistan


TypeCity or town
Located inLarkana, Sind, Pakistan

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Larkana is a city located in the Sindh province of Pakistan. It is the 15th largest city of Pakistan by population. It is home to the Indus Valley civilization site Mohenjo-daro. The historic Indus River flows in east and south of the city.

The city is located within Larkana District. Formerly known as "Chandka", Larkana is located on the south bank of the Ghar canal, about south of the town Shikarpur, and northeast of Mehar. According to the 2017 Census of Pakistan, its population is 490,508.[1] Therefore, it is the fourth most populated city of Sindh province after Karachi, Hyderabad, and Sukkur. Moreover, Larkana city has been placed as fifteenth largest of Pakistan during Census 2017.

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