Place:Guilford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States


Coordinates41.283°N 72.667°W
Located inNew Haven, Connecticut, United States

Research Tips

Guilford - settled 1639, named 1643. - Ricker, 8.

Guilford Vital Records Transcript at the Connecticut State Library and NEHGS

"The Vital records of Guilford prior to 1850 are found in two volumes. The entries from the volume known as 'Volume A' were made from a copy of the original.

This alphabetical list was taken from a set of cards based on a copy of the Guilford Vital Records made in 1914 by James N. Arnold, of Providence, R.I. The Arnold Copy, now in the possession of the Connecticut State Library, has not been compared with the original and doubtless errors exist. It is hoped that as errors or omissions are found notes will be entered in this volume and on the cards which are included in the General Index of Connecticut Vital Records also in the possession of the Connecticut State Library.

Hartford, Conn., June, 1924"

See also Old Guilford Marriage Records and Old Guilford Births and Deaths for marriages, births and deaths inadvertently omitted from the Barbour Collection.

The Town

the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

Guilford is a town in New Haven County, Connecticut, United States, that borders Madison, Branford, North Branford and Durham, and is situated on I-95 and the Connecticut seacoast. The population was 22,073 at the 2020 census.

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source: Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names
source: Family History Library Catalog