Place:Figuig, Figuig, Oriental, Morocco


Coordinates32.117°N 1.227°W
Located inFiguig, Oriental, Morocco
source: Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names

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Figuig or Figig ( Figuig Berber: Ifeyyey) is an oasis town in eastern Morocco near the Atlas Mountains, on the border with Algeria.

The town is built around an oasis of date palms, called Tazdayt, meaning "palm tree" in the Berber language, surrounded by rugged, mountainous wilderness. Modernization has somewhat raised the standard of living, and drawn much of the town's population away, so that it is now struggling to reach stability. Its population in 2014 was 10,872, down from a peak of 14,571 in 1982.

The Ksour Range is a mountainous area extending between Figuig and El Bayadh.

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