Place:Alexander Baptist Chapel Cemetery, Leicester, Buncombe, North Carolina, United States

NameAlexander Baptist Chapel Cemetery
Located inLeicester, Buncombe, North Carolina, United States
Also located inBuncombe, North Carolina, United States    

Find A Grave

Of the 65 entries (49% photographed) as of 7 Sep 2019, the earliest birth was 1831 and earliest death 1908.


Local directions: North Carolina State Highway 63 (New Leicester Highway), in the middle of Leicester > turn North onto North Carolina State Road 1616 (Martin Branch Road) > after slightly over 1/4 mile, State Road 1616 becomes Short Sluder Branch Road, continuing on straight (do not turn left and follow Martin Branch Road, which is now State Road 1610) > after another slightly over 1/4 mile, turn left onto a track; this is after HD Lane (a left turn) and before Gaddy Hill Drive (also a left turn) and appears just after the road curves from North East to East (right curve)

Surnames represented

Based on Find A Grave information. Most frequently found: Penland; second most frequently found: Roberts.

Bernard (5)
Boyd (1 - as Boyd Bernard)
Carson (5)
Cummings (1)
Eggleston (1)
Ferguson (1 - as Ferguson Gudger Penland)
Flack (1 - as Flack Bernard)
Gudger (4)
Ingle (1)
Jenkins (1)
Love (4)
Lowery (5)
Lunsford (1)
Lytle (1)
McAfee (5)
McCracken (1)
McElrath (2)
McMickens (1)
Mears (2)
Mills (1)
Payne (1 - as Payne Penland)
Penland (14)
Roberts (6)
Robinson (1)
Roseby (1)
Tarrance (1)
Thompson (1)
Whitson (1 - as Whitson Lowery)