Place:Aki, Aki, Kochi, Japan


Coordinates33.5°N 133.883°E
Located inAki, Kochi, Japan
source: Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names

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is a city located in Kōchi Prefecture, Japan on the island of Shikoku. The city was founded on August 1, 1954. As of April 2017, the city has an estimated population of 17,810 and a population density of 56 persons per km2. The total area is 317.34 km2.

The heart of Aki city is located along the Japan National Route 55 and faces the Pacific Ocean to the south. Aki city has six stops on the Tosa Kuroshio Railway Asa Line (also known as the Gomen-Nahari Line (ごめん-なはり線)), and the city office can be reached by stopping at Aki City's main station. The stations within Aki city include Akano, Ananai, Jyũjōmae, Ioki, Aki, and Shimoyama.

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