Person talk:Hannah Moody (2)

birthdate [31 May 2020]

This birth (17 Sep 1672) is not recorded in Boston Records, nor found anywhere in databases. The NEHGR article cited says of Joshua's children "all born in Portsmouth except Hannah, order of birth uncertain108". Source 108 is GDMNH, p. 487, which gives no birthdate for Hannah. No other footnote is attached to Hannah's entry. Somewhat at odds with the biography of the father in GDMNH which says the father was ordained in Portsmouth and "there continuously" until 1684? Mentioned in Mayflower Families 5 Generations, Vol. 2, p. 40, most of sources there say nothing, or in the case of the Pollard Gen 2:125 simply assert the birthdate with no evidence provided. Boston News Obits listed have not been checked, not available, and may be the source, but again, birthplace of Boston somewhat at odds with history of father. --Jrich 05:08, 1 June 2020 (UTC)

I noticed that myself but wanted to get a "placeholder" in place. Since she married and had children, I expect that she will be given a full sketch in a subsequent installment of Mr. Collins' article. Hopefully he will discuss the record inconsistencies.--jaques1724 16:54, 1 June 2020 (UTC)