Person talk:Hannah Kingsley (6)


No information? [16 November 2008]

Here is a page with no information about the titled person: no birth, no death, no location, no parents, no spouses. Just a name. Well, it matches my name, so I am going to fill in my information and now it will be a substantiated person, not an empty name. I realize this a common result of uploading GEDcom files that have not been thoroughly scrutinized, but as it stands, it is wasting a name with a low number, so I am repurposing it. Or maybe this is indeed the Hannah Kingsley that was intended? --Jrich 11:47, 16 November 2008 (EST) I merged this person with Hannah Kingsley (1) last July, it seems the redirect was lost. She was the daughter of Samuel and Mary Washburn Kin(g)sley.--Scot 12:41, 16 November 2008 (EST)