Person talk:Gerrit Bergsma (4)


search request [1 May 2013]

Good question :) I have very limited information on the Bergsma family. I have linked my family tree to seven Bergsma's. The problem is I have no one to ask where or how Gerrit and his wife are related. Grandparents, Parents, Aunts & Uncles have all long passed away.

What happened is, I have several pictures that I found 3 years ago when my Grandmother's house went up for sale. She passed away in 1973, and the house was ocupied by a family friend up until then. When the family friend passed, I was allowed in the house, and that is when I found the pictures. My Grandmother's maiden name was De Groot, married name was De Weerd. Her Find A Grave memorial is # 34071861. Are you connected to any of the people she is?

There are several pictures of Gerrit his wife, children and other Bergsma's of whom I don't know, and have no way of identifying, because there are no names on the pictures. Some of the names that are written on the pictures are: Delia, Anna, Rose, John, Ma, Aunt Dora, Jr., Bertha, Gerrit, and Oscar. The one's that I have connected my tree to are: Jack, Jane or June, John, Marie, Ned J., Roger J., and Suanne.

I am still trying to make a better connection to them, but so far I just have a lot of pictures and no answers. Please let me know if there is a connection with your family, I would be happy to share any information I have with you in putting names to the faces.

Always looking for long lost family, that is why I post cemeteries on Find A Grave.

Carol--henk 03:46, 1 May 2013 (EDT)