Person talk:Ann Vos (1)


[1 February 2013]

Date: 1998/01/20 21:33:51 From: Jillwall <Jillwall(a)... My gr gr grandparents, Johann Heinrich Menn and Anna Maria Ferdinandine nee Siegmann, lived in Burgsteinfurt, Muenster, Preussen, now Nordrein Westfalen. One of them died in Burgsteinfurt in 1893, after their daughter, Ferdinandine Voss, nee Menn, died in 1871 in Union Co., Kentucky, USA.

My grandmother, Anna Sophia Leibenguth, nee Voss, her brother, John Henry Voss, and sister, Ferdinandine Collins, nee Voss, collected an inheritance from their grandparent in Burgsteinfurt in 1894 after proving their mother's death and their descendancy. Since all 3 lived in the US then, they went through the Chief German Counsul in Cincinnati and gave power of attorney to an attorney in Burgsteinfurt.

I'm looking for my German ancestral roots, would death or court records be available from Burgsteinfurt that might help me. Where could I write? Would they understand English, because sad, but I know no German. Thanks. Jillwall(a)...--henk 10:31, 1 February 2013 (EST)