Person:William Leveson-Gower (2)

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Sir William Leveson-Gower, 4th Baronet
b.Abt 1647
d.22 Dec 1691
  1. Sir William Leveson-Gower, 4th BaronetAbt 1647 - 1691
  • HSir William Leveson-Gower, 4th BaronetAbt 1647 - 1691
  • WJane Granville1653 - 1696
  1. Jane Leveson-Gower1669 - 1725
  2. Katherine Leveson-Gower1670 - 1704
  3. John Leveson-Gower, 1st Baron Gower1675 - 1709
Facts and Events
Name Sir William Leveson-Gower, 4th Baronet
Gender Male
Birth[1] Abt 1647
Marriage to Jane Granville
Death[1] 22 Dec 1691
Reference Number? Q7529657

the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

Sir William Leveson-Gower, 4th Baronet (c. 1647 – 22 December 1691) was an English politician from the Leveson-Gower family.

Born William Gower, he was the second son of Sir Thomas Gower, 2nd Baronet and Frances, daughter and coheir of John Leveson. He added the surname Leveson to his own in 1668, when he inherited the Trentham and Lilleshall estates of his maternal great-uncle, Sir Richard Leveson. Leveson-Gower married Lady Jane Granville (the eldest daughter of the 1st Earl of Bath) and they had five children:

Leveson-Gower inherited his childless nephew's baronetcy in 1689 and on his own death two years later, was succeeded by his eldest surviving son, John.

Two of Leveson-Gower's well-known direct modern-day descendants are broadcaster Claire Balding and comedian Miranda Hart.

This page uses content from the English Wikipedia. The original content was at Sir William Leveson-Gower, 4th Baronet. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with WeRelate, the content of Wikipedia is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.
  1. 1.0 1.1 Sir William Leveson-Gower, 4th Baronet, in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.