Person:Uriah Abbott (3)

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Uriah Abbott
m. 24 Mar 1723/24
  1. John Abbott1724/25 -
  2. Elizabeth Abbott1728 -
  3. Uriah Abbott1729 - 1729
  4. Mary Abbott
  5. Uriah Abbott1735 -
  6. William Abbott1738 -
  • HUriah Abbott1735 -
  • W.  Sarah Wright (add)
m. 26 Apr 1757
  • HUriah Abbott1735 -
  • W.  Sarah Perry (add)
m. 2 Feb 1775
  1. Benjamin Abbott1781 - 1846
Facts and Events
Name[2] Uriah Abbott
Gender Male
Birth[1] 29 Sep 1735 Andover, Essex, Massachusetts, United States
Marriage 26 Apr 1757 Andover, Essex, Massachusetts, United Statesto Sarah Wright (add)
Marriage 2 Feb 1775 Pelham, Hillsborough, New Hampshire, United Statesto Sarah Perry (add)
  1. Andover, Essex, Massachusetts, United States. Vital Records of Andover, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849. (Topsfield, Massachusetts: Topsfield Historical Society, 1912)
  2. "Descendants of George Abbot of Rowley", in Perley, Sidney, ed. Essex Antiquarian. (Salem, Mass.: Essex Antiquarian)
    Vol. 1, p. 106.

    Uriah Abbot [#45, p. 104: s/o Uriah Abbott, #10 and Sarah Mitchell], b. Andover 29 Sep 1735, m. (1) 26 Apr 1757, m. (2) Sarah Perry. Lived in Pelham, NH.