Will of "Timothy Stearns of Framingham ... Husband-man", dated 20 May 1758, names wife Bethyer; my Three Sons Timothy and Jonathan and John; the Rest of My Children Which are Sarai & Nathan & Bethyer & Hannah". Mr. Thomas Temple of Framingham Sen'r to be Executor with Mr David How of Sudbury Jun'r or Mr Jonathan Hemingway of Framingham Next Mr John Trowbridge of Framingham as alternates.
9 Apr 1759: Filed by Thomas Temple, "not known whether the man be living". Refusal in Apr 1759 of all three alternates. 26 Apr 1759: Subscribers, "being of full age and Children & Heirs of the Estate of our Hon'd Father Timothy Stearns late of Framingham", agreed that will should be set aside and the estate be considered Intestate. Signed Timothy Stearns, Sarah Stearns, Bethiah Nixon. Similar requests by widow bethiah Stearnes and Ezra Taylor guardian for two of the sons. Widow and three adult children request Thomas Temple of Framingham to be administrator. 30 Apr 1759 Bond of Thomas Temple yeoman of Framingham as administrator of estate of Timothy Stearns late of Framingham afores'd Decease'd Intestate.
20 Apr 1759: Inventory to Timothy Starnes Late of Framingham: £447:9:6:3 by Eben'r Goddard, Thomas Temple, Jonathan Hemenway.
16 Apr 1760: Distribution of real estate to Bethiah (the said Deceased's widow) one full Third, the remaining two thirds too small to split without spoiling. Countersigned by bethiah Sterns Wid'o & guarden to the youngest Daughter Hannah, Sarah Stearns, Timothy Stearns, Tho's Nixon. [In margin: list of children: Timothy (Eldest), Nathan, Jonathan, John, Sarah, Bethiah, Hannah.]
26 May 1760: Account of Thomas Temple allowed.
4 May 1761: Remaining real estate settled on Bethiah Nickson a daughter of mr Timothy Stearns late of Framingham, she to pay Nathan, Jonathan, John, Sarah & Hannah, and to Timothy a double share.
5 Apr 1791: Warrant to appraise real estate set to his widow for her dower and hath since reverted by her death. Division to Timothy the eldest son, to Jonathan the 2'd son, to John Stearns the 3'd son, to Bethiah Nixon the 2'd Daughter, to Hannah Flagg the youngest Daughter, Jonathan to pay Sarah the eldest Daughter. Countersigned by Timothy Stearns, Jonathan Stearns, John Stearns, Tho Nixon, Benj'a Flagg jun.