21 Sep 1726: Bond of Ebenezer Stone Esq'r and John Stone Weaver both of Newtown as administrators of Samuel Stone late of Framingham deceased intestate.
23 Sep 1726: Inventory of Mr Samuel Stone late of Framingham Dec'd: £694-18-2, by William Ballard, Edw'd Goddard, John Adams.
24 Sep 1726 [-sic-?]: Mary Stone declines administration and requests "her Honnoured Father" Ebenezer Stone, and brother John Stone be appointed.
6 Oct 1726: receipt of Mary Stone. Also 6 May 1728, 7 May 1729.
30 Dec 1728: Account of Ebenezer Stone and John Stone administrators of Samuel Stone late of Framingham Deceased, allowed. Include payments to widow for her release of Dower. Includes payments to Hannah daughter of deceaased, Mary daughter of deceased, boarding of Mathias, boarding of Nehemiah, boarding of Esther, clothing for Hannah, clothing for "the youngest Child".