Person:Robert Hume (10)

Robert Ernest Hume
b.20 Mar 1877 Ahmednagar, India
d.14 Jun 1948 New York, New York
m. 7 Jul 1874
  1. Dr Ruth Peabody Hume1875 - 1931
  2. Robert Ernest Hume1877 - 1948
  3. Hannah Hume1878 - 1911
m. 15 Mar 1907
  1. Dr Robert Caswell Hume1908 - 1997
  2. Edward Putnam Hume1911 - 1989
  3. Jane Williams Hume1915 - 2005
Facts and Events
Name Robert Ernest Hume
Gender Male
Birth? 20 Mar 1877 Ahmednagar, India
Alt Death? 1898 B.A. Yale Univeristy
Other? 1900 M.A. Yale University
Other? 1901 Ph.D. Yale University
Other? 1904 B.D. Union Theological Seminary
Marriage 15 Mar 1907 to Laura Caswell
Other? 1932 D. Theo, Strasbourg
Death? 14 Jun 1948 New York, New York

Ordained Congregational Minister 1905. Went to India as missionary with American Board of Congregational Foreign Missions 1907. Served as Professor of History of Religions, Union Theological Seminary 1914-1943. Emeritus 1943. While in India served as Lecturer at Bombay University, University of the Punjab, Hindu University at Benares, Moslem University at Aligarh, and Vishwas Bharati (Greater India) University, Bolpur. In 1923, lectured at College of His Highness the Maharajah of Baroda. Spent 1938 at the Indian Institute, Oxford University. MEMBER -- America Oriental Society, American Theological Society (pres 1939), American Association of the Advancement of Science, Phi Beta Kappa. AUTHOR -- The Worlds Living Religions, 1924, 32nd edition 1946; Treasure House of the Living Religions, 1932, 2nd ed 1933. TRANSLATOR -- From Sanskrit -- The Thirteen Principal Upanishads, with an Outline of the Philosophy of the Upanishads, 1921 still in print from Oxford UP

His book The World's Living Religions, the only religious book beside the Bible to be placed in the "time capsule" (50 feet below ground) New York World's Fair 1939; to be opened in 6939.


In 1915 Dr. Robert E. and Laura Hume acquired the lakefront property just north of Penfield Cottage, which had belonged to Judge Wilson. The Humes had solid Silver Bay credentials. Robert was a graduate student at Yale and Laura a nurse at Massachusetts General when they met at a college conference at Silver Bay in 1904. They were engaged on Sunrise Mountain and married in 1905. The couple went as missionaries to India, where Robert had been born of missionary parents, and stayed seven years, serving in various capacities in the Bombay area. Their sons Robert and Edward were born there. They returned in 1913 when Dr. Hume was offered a professorship in the History of Religion at Union Seminary. They came to Silver Bay in 1914 and 1915, renting cottages on Van Buren Bay. As noted earlier, their daughter Jane McCormick Mitchell was born in the Paine farm house in 1915.[92]

In the winter of 1916, the Humes began construction of their own cottage. Louis Spelman supervised the work, and it is said that some of the materials used were leftover from the construction of Fisher Gymnasium. It is a house of many rooms and its wide porches take full advantage of the view of the lake. Dr. Hume wrote several of his books on the history of religion in his second floor study, and the cottage still contains brass lamps and other artifacts dating back to the family's time in India. Jane and Jim McCormick inherited the property, and Jane is now passing it on to her children, Robert, James, and Sally Pickert and their families. In 1950, Robert C. and Elizabeth Hume bought a plot of land just above the original house and built a small cottage there overlooking Shawanapek Beach. They spent summers there for years before health problems kept them away. Elizabeth has recently given that property to her grandchildren, Cheryl Corsi and Lisa Foy.

Source Benjamin Van Buren's Bay Charles G. Gosselink from The Penfield Family