Person:Prince Valdemar of Denmark (1)

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Prince Valdemar of Denmark
b.27 Oct 1858
Facts and Events
Name Prince Valdemar of Denmark
Gender Male
Birth[1] 27 Oct 1858 Bernstorff Palace
Marriage 22 Oct 1885 to Princess Marie of Orléans
Death[1] 14 Jan 1939 København, København, Denmark
Reference Number? Q310533

the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

Prince Valdemar of Denmark (27 October 1858 – 14 January 1939) was a member of the Danish royal family. He was the third son and youngest child of Christian IX of Denmark and Louise of Hesse-Kassel. He had a lifelong naval career. He was paternal uncle of Prince Andrew of Greece and Denmark, father of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.

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  1. 1.0 1.1 Prince Valdemar of Denmark, in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.