Person:Pieter Quackenbosch (1)

Pieter Pieterszoon Quackenbosch
m. 23 Mar 1639
  1. Johannes QuackenboschAbt 1642 -
Facts and Events
Name Pieter Pieterszoon Quackenbosch
Gender Male
Birth? 1614 Oestgeest, Holland, Netherlands
Marriage 23 Mar 1639 Kouderkerk, , , Netherlandsto Maritje Ariensz, Dochter
Death? Abt 1662 Albany, Albany County, New York

"The Albany Quackenbush familyis descended from Pieter and Maria Q uackenbush who came to NewNetherland during the 1650s. Their daughter, Corne lia, marriedbrewer and Albany mayor Albert Janse Ryckman. In 1697, twoQuac kenbush households were present in the city of Albany. In1756, only one Quac kenbush home was counted among the city's330 households. In 1790, Walter Qua ckenbush was living in thethird ward. But five Quackenbush-named households were countedin adjoining Watervliet including that of Colonel HendrickQuack enbush - who further developed the family plot and homelocated north of the city and along the Hudson River. A mapdated 1794 recognized "Quackenbush Str eet" leading from NorthMarket to the river as the center of this tract of la nd." *****SOURCE: e of birth: These Quackenbushes came to America in 1653.Half of their childr en were born in Holland, the others in NewNetherland. Cornelia was a middle child. No one has yet fixedher place of birth. Also, her name was not among the long listof early Albany people who became "naturalized" British subjects during the early 1700s because they had not been born withinthe British em pire. That omission might fuel speculation thatshe had been born in the Dutc h colony of New Netherland. *****SOURCE: Records of the Reformed DutchChurch of Albany, New York: Aug. 17, 1692. Simon Westfall,unmarried man of Kingston, and Nellet je W. Quakelbosch.Possible Family Member? Oct. 4, 1696. Wouter Quakkelbosc h,unmarried man and Cornelia Bogaart, unmarried woman, bothliving here. "P ieter Quackenbosch b. about 1614 in Holland, thefounder of Quackenbush famil y in America, was a brick maker inAlbany, New York. Also known as Pieter Qua ckenbosch, PieterBont and sometimes as Pieter(or Piet) Bout. He probably lef tHolland for New Netherland in May of 1653 aboard the shipGraft. He came wi th his wife Maritje, son Johannes, born about1642, son Wouter, born about 16 44, son Reynier, born about1652, daughter Maritje, born about 1640, and daug hterNelletje, born about1650. Three more children born in Albanywere daught er Annetje, born about. 1658, daughter Magdalena,born about 1660, and daught er Jannetje, born about 1663. Therewere several Reyniers in the third genera tion, as the originalReynier's sons named their sons Reynier after their fat her.From "THE QUACKENBUSH FAMILY IN AMERICA", Gail RichardQuackenbush, writ ten around 1989.

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  1.   The Quackenbush Family in America, by Rick Quackenbush, p. 3.
  2.   Quackenbush Family in Holland and America, pp. 7-24.
  3.   Early Records of the City and County of Albany and Colony of Rensselaerswyck, 1656-1675, Jonathan Pearson, 1869, 1:56-59.