Person:Philip II, Duke of Savoy (1)

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Philip II _____, Duke of Savoy
m. 11 Nov 1485
  1. Charles III _____, Duke of Savoy1486 - 1553
  2. Louis of Savoy1488 - 1502
  3. Philippe de Savoie, 1st Duc de Nemours1490 - 1533
  4. Philiberta de Savoie1498 - 1524
  • HPhilip II _____, Duke of Savoy1438 - 1497
  • W.  Libera Portoneri (add)
  1. Antonia de Savoie
  2. René of Savoy1473 - 1525
  1. Louise of Savoy1476 - 1531
  2. Philibert II _____, Duke of Savoy1480 - 1504
Facts and Events
Name Philip II _____, Duke of Savoy
Alt Name Philippe II _____
Gender Male
Birth[1] 5 Feb 1438 Chambéry, Savoie, Rhône-Alpes, FranceHouse of Savoy
Marriage 11 Nov 1485 to Claudine de Brosse
Marriage to Libera Portoneri (add)
Marriage to Margaret of Bourbon
Death[1] 7 Nov 1497 Chambéry, Savoie, Rhône-Alpes, France
Reference Number? Q461667

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Philip II (5 February 1438 – 7 November 1497), surnamed the Landless, was the Duke of Savoy for a brief reign from 1496 to 1497.

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  1. 1.0 1.1 Philip II, Duke of Savoy, in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.