Person:Peter Presley (1)

Peter Presley
b.1635 England
m. Abt 1632
  1. Peter Presley1635 - 1693
  1. Ursula PresleyAbt 1677 - Bet 1728 & 1732
  2. Mary PRESLEY1679 -
  3. Col. Peter PresleyAft 1678 - Bef 1750
  4. Jane PresleyAbt 1680 -
Facts and Events
Name Peter Presley
Gender Male
Birth? 1635 England
Marriage prob Northumberland County, Virginiato Elizabeth THOMPSON
Death[2] 19 Apr 1693 Northumberland County, Virginia
  1.   Family Recorded, in Ransdell, William Keith. Sifted from the ashes: thirteen generations of one line of the Ransdell family in America from its first known document until January 2, 1988. (Place of publication not identified: W.K. Ransdell, 1987).

    ... Her father, Peter Presley, son of William Presley,progenitor of the Presley family of Northumber­land County, Virginia, died in 1693. And, it is known that her parents married circa 1660. ...
    [Note: find and cite proof.]

  2. Family Recorded, in William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine. (Omohundro Institute)
    23:182-190, 1915.

    3. PETER2 PRESLEY (William1) was a justice of the peace in Northumberland Co. from 1660, and burgess for the county in 1677, 1684, and perhaps other years. He died in 1693, but as his will cannot be found on record we only know of two of his issue.
    7 Jane, who married (1) Richard Rogers, (2) Christopher Neale, and
    8 Peter, who was a minor at the time of his father's death.
    Thus a commission of administration was granted on the estate of Peter Presley, dec'd 19 April, 1693, to Mr. Peter Presley (afterwards Col. Peter Presley) and Thomas Hobson as overseers of his will, in behalf of his infant son, Peter. Peter was still under age in 1699 (QUARTERLY, XXII, 211.)