Person:Margery Barley (1)

Margery Barley
Facts and Events
Name[1][2] Margery Barley
Gender Female
Marriage 13 Feb 1623/24 to Anthony Stroud
Death[3] Baydon, Wiltshire County, England

Will of Margeriae Strowde, dated 28 May 1678. LDS Film #92323, Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Registered Wills, Vol 357, Reeve, 1678, Vol 2, folio 88.

Each folio has a number of pages and wills. The following will begins on the bottom of the page marked folio 88:

MARGERIAE STROWDE: In the name of God Amen the eight and twentyth day of May in the Year of our Lord God One thousand six hundred seventy and eight I MARGERY STROUDE of Baydon in the county of Wilts widdow being aged and weake in body but of good and perfect memory and understanding I will be therefore given to Almighty God doe make ordaine and declare this my last will and testament in manner and forme following, Imprimus I give my soule unto Almighty God having through the meritts of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to have full pardon and remission of all my Sinnes and to be made partaker of everlasting life. And my Body I comitt to the Earth to be decently burved as my executor herein after named shall think fitt. Item I give unto MY SONNES ANTHONY STROUDE, BENIAMAN STROUDE and JOHN STROUDE tenn shillings a peece and unto each of my said sonnes wyfes I give and bequeath tenn shillings. Item I give and bequeath unto MY DAUGHTER JOANE MILDENHALL the sume of thirty pounds and one feather bed one feather bolster one covering one paire of sheets and one feather pillow. Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter ELIZABETH HICKMAN the sume of thirty pounds and one feather bedd one feather bolster one covering one paire of sheets and one feather pillow. Item I give and bequeath to MY DAUGHTER ANNE TALMAGE the sume of twenty pounds. Item, I give and bequeath to my granddaughter Joane Mildenhall ffyve pounds. Item I give and bequeath to MY GRANDDAUGHTER MARY MILDENHALL ffyve pounds, all which said sumes before mentioned to be given and bequeathed to my said sonnes and daughters and granddaughters. My will is and I do order and appoint that it shall be paid unto them within twelve monthes next after my decease. Item I give and bequeath unto MY said DAUGHTERS JOANE MILDENHALL and ELIZABETH HICKMAN and unto MY DAUGHTER IN LAW MARY STROUDE WIFE OF MY SONN THOMAS STROUDE all my wearing apparrell to be equally devided betweene them. And my will is that my said daughters shall have the bedding and wearing apparrell or clothes quietly delyvered unto them by my executor within tenn dayes next after my decease. Item, I give and devise unto MY GRANDSON ANTHONY STROUDE SONN OF MY SAID SONN THOMAS STROUDE all land with the appurtenances lying and being in Easthrope within the parish of Highworth in the said county of Wilts which I lately purchased of my said THOMAS STROUDE and MARY HIS WIFE together with all deeds and evidences and writings concerning the same to hold to him the said ANTHONY STROUDE MY said GRANDSON and his heires imediately from and after he shall attaine to the age of one and twenty yeares for and during all the terme of yeares mentioned in the deed of purchase as shall be then to come and unexpired. And for want of issue of his body unto HIS BROTHER THOMAS STROUD and his heires and for want of issue of his body to HIS BROTHER JOHN STROUDE and his heires, and for want of such issue to HIS BROTHER and MY GRANDSON BENIAMIN STROUDE and his heires and for want of issue of his body unto MY OWNE SONNE THOMAS and his heires. Item my will is and I doe give and devise rents, issues and profitts of the said land towards the schooling education and breeding of MY said SONN THOMAS STROUDE children untill MY said GRANDSON ANTHONY STROUDE shall or should have attayned to the said age of one and twenty yeares. Item I give and bequeath to the Poore of the parish of Baydon the sume of tenn shillings to be distributed amongst them at my funerall by my executor herein after named. Item my will is and I doe so order and appoint that if any debts owing to mee at the time of my decease shall not or may not be receyved by my said executor but shall happen to be lost, that then every one of my legatees shall beare theire proportion of the losse according to theire legacyes. All the rest of my goods chattels and debte my funerall expenses being paid and discharged I give and bequeath unto MY said SONN THOMAS STROUDE whome I do make ordaine and appoint sole executor of this my last will and testament. And I do desire MY KINSMEN STEPHEN BARLEY and BENIAMIN WHITTIATT to be overseers of this my last will and testament to be the same performed, and for their paines therein to be taken I give and bequeath unto them ffyve shillings a peece. In witness whereof I the said MARGERY STROUDE to this my last will and testament hath sett my hand and seale the day and yeare above written. The mark of MARGERY STROUDE. Signed sealed published and declared by the said MARGERY STROUDE to be her last will and testament in the presence of John Adee, Anthony Ballard, David Madone.

Probatum, apud London fuit huiusmodi testamentum coram venerabili viro Henrico ffauconberve, legum Doctore Surrogato venerabilio et egregii vivi Domini Leolim Ieuk?ino militis legum etiam Doctoris Juris Prarogative Cantuaricusio magristi curadio comissarii legitime constitute sexto die mensis Augusti Anno dmi Millisimo sexientisimo septuagisimo octavo Juram. Thomae Stroude filii et executoris in huius modi testaments nominati cui comissa fuit administratio omnium et singulorum bonorum Juriam et creditorum dictie defunctae de bene et fideliter administrando eadem ad Sancta Dei Evangelia in debita Juris forma Jurat.

[Rough translation: Probate, at London her will in this manner in-) the presence of the venerable ... man Henrico Fauconbery, surrogate ... legally constituted 6 day of the month August Anno domini one thousand six hundred seventy eight. THOMAS STROUDE SON and executor in this will named with commission? her adminstration of all and singular legal? goods and credits of the said deceased of good and faithful administration , etc.]

--Submitted by Dan McEver,, as transcribed at Salt Lake City by my researcher, Marian Kenedy. I put the key names and relationships in capital letters so they are easier to read.

  1. Transcribed copy of Margery Stroud's will.
  2. Mendenhall Family Association Newsletter, Vol. 6, #2 April 1999
    p. 12.
  3. Transcribed copy of Margery Stroud's will.